Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Models of Communication

 1.        Stimulus – Response Model

This model is the most basic model in communication. This is show communication as an action – reaction process. This model think that verbal words, inverbal signs, pictures and actions will simulate other people to give the response in some ways. This process could be interactive and have lot of effect. Every single effect could change another act of communication in the next level.
This model ignore that communication is a process. In other words, communication is considered as a static thing.

2.        Aristotle’s Model

This is the most classical model in communication, and also is called as a rhetorical model.
This model make formula about first verbal communication model and have 3 basic part of communication : Speaker, Message, and Listener.

Communication happen when a speaker speak their messages to listener in order to change their behavior.
This model is about speech to persuade people. According to Aristoteles, the persuade can be reached by the one person that people believe. The argument, and by playing listeners emotion.
Strength :
o   Inspire a lot of communication scientist which lead to newer model
Weaknesses :
o   This model doesn’t mention nonverbal aspects in order to persuade
o   Considers communication as a static phenomenon

3.        Schramm’s Model

He conceived of decoding and enoding as activities maintained
Stimultaneously by sender and receiver; he also made provisions for a two-way interchanger of messages. Notice also the inclusion of an “interpreter’’ as an abstract representation of the problem of meaning.
Schramm think that communication always needs 3 element : Source, Message, and Destination.
According to Schramm, everyone in communication’s process is clearly besome both encoder and decoder. We constantly encode back signs from our enviroment, interpret that signs and decode something as a results.
Backward process in the model is called feed back, which playing an important rule in communication. Because it let us know how do our message being interpreted.
Strengths :
o   Two way communication
o   Includes the context of the message
o   Includes the culture
Weakness :
o   Account for only bilateral communication

4.        Shannon and Weaver’s Model

This model is mathematical model of communication. It was developed by telephone engineers to send message easier and faster from one point to another.
Communication was conceived as a linear model of transmission of a message from a source to  receiver via signal producing transmitter.
This model presupposes an information source who create a message and send it by some channel to a receiver who recreate that message.
In other wirds, this model assumsion that information source cerate some message to be communicated from available set of messages. Transmitter changes messages to signal which suitable with the used channel.
Channel is a medium which sending a sign fromtransmitter to receiver.
Example In conversation : information source is a brain, the transmitter is voice which create a signs that transmitted by air. The receiver is a hearing mechanism and reconstruction a message from a signs. The destination is a receiver’s brain. And the important concept from this model is a noise.

This model think that communication is a static phenomenon, one way, and too much complicated
Strengths :
o   Allowed for variation
o   Allowed for development
o   Influential
o   Heuristic Value
Weaknesses :
o   Static and linear
o   Complicated
o   Not analogous to human communication
o   Formal only

5.        Lasswell’s Model

Lasswell’s model is a verbal saying, which say about who says what in which channel, to whom with what effect?
This model say about communication process and it’s function to society. Lasswell said 3 function of communication. The first one is enviromental monitoring. Then a relation from every departed society which give a response to enviroment. And the last one is a social trenmission from one generation to the other.

This model is often used in mass communication. Who to gate keeper, says what is a source to analyze about the message. In which channel to media. To whom to audience. And with what effect is about the effect which is made by message of mass communication to reader, listener, etc.
Strengths :
o   It suits for almost all types of communication
o   The concept of effect
Weaknesses :
o   Linear model
o   Noise and feedback not mentioned

6.        Berlo’s Model

Also known as SMCR model. Source, message, channel, and receiver. Source is the creator of the messages. Message is translation of idea to a symbolic code. Channel is a medium that bring the message. And the receiver is the target of communication.
Strengths :
o   Heuristic
o   This model could reach treatment mass communication, public, interpersonal, and written communication.
o   Allowed for encoding and decoding of messages.
Weaknesses :
o   Static phenomenon
o   Feedback not mentioned
o   Considers nonverbal communication as unimportant thing.

7.        Dance’s Model

From Frank Dance’s dimensions of communication shows dynamics of message, we understan that definitions are tools that shoul be used flexibly. The definition of communication may be board and inclusive or restrictive and some definitions may include only purposeful message sending and receiving while others do not have such limitations.
Strengths :
o   Interesting approach to show spirit of the message
o   Continous vibe given
Weaknesses :
o   Too few variables
o   Leaves too much unanswered

8.        De Fleur’s Model

It’s a mass communication model, by inserting mass medium device, and feedback device. It draw a source, transmitter, receiver, and destination as a departed phase in mass communication process.
The function of receiver in Defleur’s model is to receive information and encode it.

According to Defleur, communication isn’t meaning transfer. Communication happen by a set of component operation in some theoretical system, which the consequence is isomorphism between intern response to set of symbol to source and receiver.
Strength :
o   Descriptive power
Weakness :
o   It’s inability to explain long term media effect

9.        Gudykunst and Kim’s Model

This model actually is an intercultural communication model. This model basely is suitable for face tp face communication or 2 people. Because there is no 2 person which have culture, social culture, and psycho culture precisely similar.

This model assume 2 persons which equal in communication, each of them as a sender and also a receiver, of both of them encoding and decoding. Because of that we can see that messages from someone is a feedback from the other one.Message/ feedbacki between them is represented by a line from someone’s encoding to another decoding. The two lines shows that everyone of us go and won’t do anything until we get the feedback.
Strength :
o   Allowed for encoding and decoding of the message
Weakness :
o   Accounts for only bilateral communication

Senin, 24 September 2012

The Evolution of Communication Technology in 1900-1930

Throughout the history there are many inventions that have influenced people and society. The major invention in 1900-1930 which affected social change was Radio and Television and since then communication has developed into something that connect us all together,people from all over the world can now connect (communicate) instantly.

Guglielmo Marconi transmits radio signals from Cornwall to Newfoundland – the first radio signal across the Atlantic Ocean.
First regular comic books, building on the tradition of comic strips.

Lee Deforest invents the electronic amplifying tube or triode - this allowed all electronic signals to be amplified improving all electronic communications i.e. telephones and radios.
This allows you to hear people Better since it amplifies their voice.

Thomas Edison demonstrated the first talking motion picture.

First cross continental telephone call made by Alexander G.Bell
Allows people to make calls to other countries.

First radios with tuners - different stations from Lee de Forest
It broadcast the first radio advertisements and the first Presidetial election report by radio in November. Gives you more of a variety of listening stations like news or music.

The television or iconoscope (cathode-ray tube) invented by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin - first television camera.
John Logie Baird transmits the first experimental television signal.
This would later revolutionise the way people watch television.

Warner Brothers Studios invented a way to record sound separately from the film on large disks and synchronized the sound and motion picture tracks upon playback - an improvement on Thomas Edison's work.
Now whilist watching a show you would also get words/sounds alot with the charecters in it.

First television  broadcasts in England
This would later spread worldwide.
NBC starts two radio networks.
CBS founded.First television broadcast in England.
Warner Brothers releases "The Jazz Singer" the first successful talking motion picture.

Vladimir Zworykin demonstrates the newest version of the iconoscope (1923), cathode-ray based on tv camera thet scans images electronically. Cathode-ray tube camera “kinescope” receiver, 60 scan lines.
First television broadcasts in the United States
Later turn into many television stations,many being broadcasted worldwide
Movietone system of recording film sound on an audio track right on the film invented.
