Minggu, 25 November 2012

Relational Pattern and the Factors that Affecting it

Relational Patterns

1.   Supportive and Defensive Climates
Defensive Climate
           Defensive climate – Composed of a pattern of closedness and defensiveness.
           People feel defensive when they feel threatened during communication or perceive              that they are under attack.

Supportive Climate
Supportive climate - Composed of a pattern of openness and supportiveness.
People are supportive when they are being provisional demonstrates a respect for other people's opinions and thus for them, as well to entertain ideas other than your own.
o   These both types of relational patterns are used during interpersonal communication. This depends on how we face a communication problem and what kind of communication that should we use to solve the problem.
o   Example: When a kid is being told by their mom that their room is too messy. That kid could respond in a very rude way or keep defending theirselves (who is clearly wrong),that action is called Defensive Climate. But if he tries to work out on how to make things straight,this action is called Supportive Climate.

2.   Dependencies and Counterdependencies

A person or individual who has a tendency to dependent and rely on others advice, guidance, or support. Then they agree in whatever the other says or does.

The counterdependent is the opposite of the dependent.
A person is not being dependent or needed support on the others, but independent and he or she is usually refuse the opinion and assistance of others.

o   The both of it is general patterns of personal issues and life experiences that can lead to personal psychological characteristics of an individual.
o   Example: When a person feels like they’re a minority or a shy person,they are called Dependencies,On the other way,people who never believes/always rejects other people’s opinion because of traumatic childhood experience or bad early education that causes that person to be careless about their surroundings and become self closure is called Counterdependencies.

3.   Progressive and Regressive Spirals

When the actions and reactions of individuals in relationship are consistent with their goals and needs, the relationship progresses with continual increases in the need level of harmony and satisfaction. the message processing leads to the positive in their experience.

Regressive Spirals
The relationship growing with no harmony and satisfaction. This pattern of relation leads to the negative situation that increasing discomfort, distance, frustation for everyone involved.

o   These patterns are the communication between the two of individuals in relation that can determine what will be achieved and the success or failure of  something of their goal. Which one partner's behavior intensifies that of the other.
o   Example: It will be progressive when one partner's behavior leads to increasing levels of satisfaction for the other. Then it will be regressive, where one partner's communication leads to increasing dissatisfaction.

Factors That Influence The Pattern of Relation

1.    Stage of Relationship and Context
Naturally, people meeting each other for the first time interact in a different manner than people who have lived together for several years.
2.     Interpersonal Needs and Style
involved represent other influences on communication within relationships. we each develop our own spesific needs relative to control, affection, and inclusion as we do in other areas. interpersonal style also plays a key role in shaping the communication patterns emerge relationship. style deal with their thoughts and feelings in a forthright.
3.    Power
The power also affects the interpersonal relation, when one individual have a higher power than their partner. The power could be intelligence, money, or strength within the meaning of maturity.
4.    Conflict
An incompatibility of interest between two or more people giving rise to struggles between them.

The Case

Finding Nemo Movie


The film then moves on to Nemo's first day of school. Nemo has a tiny right fin, due to a minor injury to his egg from the barracuda attack, which limits his swimming ability. After Marlin embarrasses Nemo during a school field trip, Nemo disobeys his father and sneaks away from the reef towards a boat, resulting in him being captured by scuba divers.

Relational Patterns :

o   Counterdependencies
After the barracuda attack we see what Marlin has become the epitome of overprotective parenting. He's trying to ensure that “nothing ever happens to Nemo”. No matter how others tell him that Nemo would be fine in the school.
o   Defensive
The over protective parenting of Marlin and how he talked with Nemo, Nemo felt humiliated and made ​​to act defensively.
o   Regressive Spirals
How Marlin are too protective causes the problems grow more complex and it leads to negative situation that made Nemo feels discomfort and disobey his father.

Factors that influece the patterns :

o   Interpersonal Needs and Style
Marlin may try to fill safety needs for Nemo by controlling and over protecting against his desire for adventure, although Nemo’s need for safety may not be as strong has his needs for recognition that he could do anything like a normal fish.
o   Power
Because the relationship between them. As a father, Marlin was controlling and very protective of Nemo.
o   Conflict
An incompatibility needs between Marlin and Nemo giving rise the conflict between them made Nemo disobeys his father and be captured by scuba divers.