Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Andrew Conley Study Case

Basic Theory: Willingness to imitate behavior observed in others, in particular, Aggression.

Study Case: Andrew Conley Case (2009)

Andrew's depression due to lack of parental attention and control. As he grew up (as a teenager), he's looking for some clue of His personal identification from anywhere he could, including the media. Frankly, he found it from Dexter, a US TV series about a serial killer. He felt certain similarities with Dexter, so by that He looked up at Dexter as a role model. From Albert Bandura's theory we know that, “Models are an important source for learning new behaviors and for achieving behavioral change.”

We can look up to Bandura's Modelling Steps:

1.) Attentional Process: The Dexter Tv show grabs Andrew Conely attention personally, so he's constantly watch the show to perceives Dexter's behavior.
2.) Retention Process: Because of constant watching (the show), Andrew tend to remembers Dexter's behavior, that he already observed through, and already 'feel connected' to the model.
3.) Motor Reproduction Processes: Since He already observing the model's behavior and it's already coded on His memories, it created a new behavior on Him. Not only that, He begin to fantasizing on actually killing people. 
4.) Motivational Processes: In this phase, The wants to react His model's behavior is already there, not just a certain feeling, but the aggression to do the same thing. To Act.

Andrew's Tormented and over identifying characters, brought Him to jail. He killed His little brother with His bare hands and from his face you could see that there's no regrets on killing his brother,his own sibling.

Full of Violence Media prove that it:

  • Could increase individuals styles of behavior. 
  • Lower restraints on aggressive acts of individuals
  • Different views on violence, because their image of social reality is based upon what type of violence they see
  • Once you get truly attached to a certain tv show,you will feel that you're in the current situation and somehow,it influence you to do the same thing that he/she did on the show & feel satisfied by doing so.


  • Wikipedia
  • "Personality Theories 3rd Edition" by Larry A. Hjelle & Daniel J. Ziegler
            Publisher Mcgraw-Hill international Edition